About Us

The CareDesk Story

Before completing his MBA at USC Marshall School of Business, CareDesk Founder, Kevin Yen, found himself helping his dad – a dermatologist in Sacramento. “My father asked me to manage and make the practice more efficient, and since I have a background in consulting and technology, I implemented systems and technology found in Fortune 500 companies.”

After finishing business school, he opened CareDesk’s doors in 2015 to handle practices’ administrative burdens, put in technology and systems so physicians can focus more on the patient and reduce day to day operation headaches. Since then, we have sourced and executed a practice sale transaction, assisted physicians to open a new practice, and implemented CareDesk’s proprietary administration technology system.

Emphasizing Teamwork and Collaboration

At CareDesk, we pride ourselves on cultivating a company culture that promotes togetherness, collaboration, and support among our employees. We believe that great ideas and solutions are born from collective efforts.

We organize regular team social outings, workshops, and community service initiatives that promote the exchange of ideas and diverse perspectives. By working together, we pool our talents, skills, and knowledge to achieve common goals and surpass our clients’ expectations.

Let’s Chat.


1700 Tribute Road
Suite 203
Sacramento, CA 95815




(916) 836-3171